Power BI


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Know about Power BI
  • Introduction
  • Key Features of Power BI

Power BI is a self-service business analytics tool developed by Microsoft. Users can access it using any of the popular browsers connected to the internet. The platform provides you with the capability to analyze and visualize data, extract insights and share them across various departments within your organization.

It allows efficient decision-making driven by empirical data. With the help of Power BI, you can gather data from hundreds of sources, and accumulate them in one platform, bringing data to life with intuitive dashboards and reports that provide each stake holder with customized views, and tools that allow them to fully capitalize on the new insights that are now available.

  • Power BI empowers the analysts with business intelligence capability allowing them to extract data from various sources, create datasets, transform and visualize data, and publish the reports and dashboards
  • The platform brings a new dimension to self-service with the inclusion of Question and Answer functions
  • Bing Maps empower the interactive geo-map visualization
  • Data Analysis Expressions scripting language used in Power BI allows the creation of calculated columns and measures. In most aspects, Excel and Data Analysis Expressions are similar, with the difference that Excel works around cells and Data Analysis Expression is column based
  • The product receives updates almost every month, ensuring a perpetual evolution