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Youngsoft has successfully supported healthcare payers, providers, hospitals, and hybrid healthcare systems for nearly 27 years. Our team members have designed, developed, implemented, and tested systems that span:

  • Commercial, Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, and Dual-Eligible members
  • Standing up claims adjudication platforms from Trizetto Facets®, IKA Systems, Health Edge, and many other products
  • Upgrading existing platforms to newer versions
  • Crafting provider, agent, and member portals
  • Telemedicine platform design, testing and support
  • Mobile healthcare application design, development, and deployment for IOS and Android devices
  • HIPAA compliance audits
  • Cloud based Surescripts certified e-Prescribing product design, build, deployment, and integration with dozens of EMR/EHR vendor platforms
  • Setting up off-site Testing Teams that coordinate the full suite of manual and automated testing services in order to meet demanding client development and implementation schedules
  • Consultancy services in all areas of health insurance, up to and including assisting emerging MCOs in “standing-up” new Medicare Advantage plans
Regardless of the challenge that you’re organization faces in terms of software selection, system integration, hosting options, or maximizing operational efficiency, Youngsoft has seasoned IT professionals that have been there, and have successfully done that!